There are three ways to give at MPCC
- An offering is collected each week during our worship services. You can either drop a check or cash in the plate as it is passed. If you would like your giving tracked for tax purposes, please use an offering envelope. Don't have offering envelopes? Please use the contact us form on this site or contact the church office to request them.
- Automatic withdrawal (EFT) set up filling out a form through the church office.
- Online Giving has quickly become a safe, secure, and convenient way for many to give. Online gifts can be made via ACH, Credit Card**, or Text +12173873727. You can use the form below to give or click here for the online giving portal. You can also install the EasyTithe app in the App Store to manage your giving.

**We would prefer you consider using either ACH (your bank account) or a debit card to give. If you must use a credit card, please make sure you are not taking on debt to give and that you pay your giving off each month.